The environment

… i life in, the environment that surrounds me …

Since February 2018 i'm disconnected from my old environment (since Facebook changed their API in 2017). But from now on, October 2019, i found a new one.
The content below -more for historical reasons- are snippets of my old environment... (yes, you get a random selection for free! if you want to buy my old environment, lets get in contact.)

30-01-2015 10:02 Fabian Friedmann teilt einen Link. Profit auf Kosten von Asylbewerbern: Skandalöse Zustände im Rixpack. “Katastrophale Wohnverhältnisse und absolut unhygienische Zustände” und das bei ‘Mietpreisen’ von 10.000 Euro für pro Wohnung: Das Rixpack Hostel in Neukölln beherbergt derzeit offenbar 51 Flüchtlinge auf Kosten des Landes Berlin. Wie sich bei einer .
28-01-2016 17:00 RT shares a link. Google-powered AI finally beats human champion in ancient Chinese game Go. 23 years of training gone.... Google’s Artificial Intelligence program, AlphaGo, has beaten a European champion the highly-complicated Chinese game of Go, based on intuition and feel. 25 people like this: Fadet Adam, Donquixote Engga Bigharry, Prashant Bamniya, Emanuele Ceradini, جعفر الخزعلي, محمد العلي, João Silva, Ravi Kiran Yadav, Casey Henson, Arip Rahman, Nadya Sagitarius, Britan Debbarma, Grant Bacon, Elen Denesr, Luckhy Fliorasta, Uncu Dhede Garbis, Hemza Mize, Kate Taylor, Rois Mado Ndruru, Talia Sledge, Rana Bilal Ahmad, Eddi Kett, Nkola Ndasa, Miguel Pruné, Neeraj Mayura. 8 people commented on this. Harry Haller: "Google is skynet". Tim Chamberlin: "F AI.". Phil Thompson: "Military tech is 50+ years ahead of what we have, they have better.". Ege Polat: "Ahmet Süheyl Kiriş". Albert Teigbaum: "This machine was made by Zionist illuminazi, lizard man, HAARP-Controlled, chemtrail-spreading, nazi-technology, alien, reptiles". Omar Raskolnikov: "Hikaru no Google". Anai Barangan: "I just have to comment, because of the below comment. Rofl. I understand their fears, but it can't ever be allowed to get the best of anyone. Humanity has to continue, and the status quo is unacceptable for it to do so. No political system will ever be valid, long term, if the political class is so deceitful, dishonest, massively harmful, destructive and self benefiting, above greater good for all. That's for all those who believe there is nothing wrong with lies. Lies are irrational.". Letlhogonolo Thameng: "wow".
07-05-2015 13:03 Der Postillon teilt einen Link. "Ich hatte Angst, dass er ein Tor schießt" - Guardiola erklärt Müller-Auswechslung. Das erklärt einiges. Neuer Artikel (Sport). Viele Fans rieben sich verwundet die Augen, als Pep Guardiola in der 79. Minute des Champions-League-Halbfinals in Barcelona Thomas Müller auswechselte. Nun erklärt der Bayern-Trainer seine umstrittenen Entscheidung: Er habe große Sorgen gehabt, dass Müller ein Tor schießen könnte, wenn er ihn nicht…. 25 Menschen gefällt das: Nils Hoveling, Thomas Johannes Steil, Justin Credible, Motten Pü, Holger Kretzer, Amedeo De Bellis, Annett Bingham, Mehr Ni, Justin Daut, Paddy Klös, Mambo Kurt, Fabi Marek, Daniel Klein, Jessie Münster, Max Kuner, Daniel Stickle Swarhili, Andreas Alt, Lukas Amendt, Stefan Reingruber, Patrick Kuhnert, Chriz Mo, Marc Ludwig, Don Aldduck, Sebastian Mahler, Jonas Felder. 25 Menschen haben dazu kommentiert. Pascal Einklang: "FC Bauernhof München". Jan Philipp Oehlke: "Halt die Schnauze Postillon!!!!". Danny Günther: "Habe de Ball...Passe de Ball :D". Ramon Hoffmann: "". Lars Jakob: "". Patrick Messing: "". Jones D. Wylde: "Alter.. Dieser Titel, zusammen mit dem smug face und dann noch der Kommentar "Das erklärt einiges." Hab gerade einen Hustenanfall vom Lachen bekommen.". Henrik Fütterer: "". Trudi Höfert-Wendrich: "Na klar!!! Das erklärt alles ;-)". Patrick Messing: "Noch interessanter ist die Aussprache von Bela: Wie wir die Aufstellung sehen: Tor: Ter Stegen Abwehr: Alves, Piqué, Mascherano, Alba Mittelfeld: Xavi, Busquets, Iniesta Sturm: Neymar, Suarez, Messi Wie Bela sie sieht: Tor: Ter Schtegen Abwehr: Dani Alvis, Picke, Maskerano, Schordi Alba Mittelfeld: Schavi, Buskets, in iesta Sturm: Naimar, Suaresch, Messie Und gespielt wurde im Kamp Nau". Dominique Riewe: "aha, clever !". Matze Gro: "". Peter Reelfs: "Neuer: „Bis zum 0:0 war alles gut!“". Alexander Pato: "Gagelmann war schuld an der Niederlage!!". Sandy Traumpirat Pflanz: "Hahahaha :D". Bir Ke: "Aha - deshalb :D". Andreas Berten: "...kam mir doch gleich spanisch vor...". Andi Da: "ich wollte hier lauter verlinkte Namen lesen... statt dessen gibts nur lustige Kommentare...
13-03-2015 23:00 ENOUGH is ENOUGH - OPEN YOUR MOUTH teilt einen Link. Simmering: Ein Leben unter dem Regenbogen. "Alexander Stoisits und Ortrun Gauper gründeten die SoHo Simmering, die erste Bezirksgruppe für Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, Trans- und Intersexuelle Menschen Im Interview sprechen sie über ihre Beweggründe." #EnoughisEnough #StopHomophobia #LGBT #Gay #Hilfe #LGBTI #queer #Bezirksgruppe #Mensch #Männer #Frauen #Homosexuelle #Sozial #Österreich. Alexander Stoisits und Ortrun Gauper gründetet die SoHo Simmering. Ein Interview mit Karl Pufler. Sie haben in Simmering die erste Bezirksgruppe für. 25 Menschen gefällt das: St. Paula, Beat Schlagenhauf, Luke Niederer, Kim Kimbaland, Juliane Krause-Akelbein, Swen Schneider, Eva-Maria Klatt, Astrid Raab, Ni Ko Koeppe, Michael Fink, Harald Stadler, Daniela Weber, Ingeborg Malota, Angìo Fì, Manuel Holy, Joop van der Sluijs, Bel Bel B, A&A Holiday Apartment/ Ferienwohnung, Dominik Semmel, Katharina Fischer, Serkan Wels, Florian Dunkel, Meike Hultberg, Kim Michaelis, Dave Yuki.
28-06-2015 12:47 teilt einen Link. Britische Geheimdienste überwachten sich gegenseitig. Pleiten, Pech und Pannen - das gibt es auch bei Geheimdiensten. GCHQ, MI5 und SIS hörten versehentlich untereinander mit. 2 Menschen gefällt das: Felix Hofer, Markus Kremmel.
26-10-2015 08:13 Schu Su sagt etwas. Schu Su → Christoph Überhuber. ....sonnig-herbstlichen Einstieg in den neuen Abschnitt, es ist Dein Tag! Herzlichst. 1 Mensch gefällt das: Christoph Überhuber.
25-01-2016 11:43 Der Postillon says something. Der Postillon posted 3 updates. 25 people like this: Lars Spe, Kevin Van de Mühlfortjes, Tim Gohman, Johannes Krohn, David Gerardo Iannone, Philipp Detweiler, Dine Hanisch, Lena Nebert, Jennifer Seinsche, Anne Lena, Christian Voigt, Mic Valentine, Sascha Harter, Martin Hirsch, Yvonne Ehlers, Matthias Knoll, Oscar Sperl, Bibi Winter, Smooth Cii, Janina Em, Antonia McCue, Ulrike Hänsch, Jan Nemann, Denys Tarchenko, Anni Wiedecke. 25 people commented on this. Rilana Laudien: "Christian Knapp :D". Andreas EM: "So oder so!". Robert Wollin: ":D". Christian Eichler: "Monika Böhling". Sascha Edelmann: "Das gilt zumeist auch für Kinder von Hypnotiseuren ;-)". Tim Dorian: "Marvin Schulz". Annemarie Weiß: "Sarah Spath stimmt das?". Alina Tecklenborg: "Jochim Rollwage". Tim Markgraf: "Aha". Thomas Jezycki: "Nico Prinz von Erbach Alexander Wolf". Jonathan Sänger: "Und Kinder von Chirurgen werden ohne Blinddarm geboren :D". Chris Sauter: "Tanja Süßkind die Lösung!!
09-11-2015 13:35 taz. die tageszeitung teilt einen Link. Das zweifelhafte Ergebnis einer Studie: Frauen sind entweder bi- oder homosexuell.!5249256/. Reizreaktionsmaschine Frau.. Brennen jetzt also alle mit einer Frau durch? Ja sicher. 25 Menschen gefällt das: Liesi Fiesi, Elisa Duca, Hicran Ergen, Hannes Ex Oelle, Lena Bödeker, Michael Mueller-bishop, Lisa Maria Wolff, Therese Peppino, Hanna Holgersson, Thomas-Florian Van Hörl, Florian Reitmann, Diego Gehrig, Pauline Claudette, Mira Nja, Teresa Johnsen, Aljoscha Augustin, Marita Rauh, Elias Müller, Gertrude Badini, Thomas Laar, Wolf Dreifünfneun, Somnus Ambulare, Laila Kloos, Anne Kie, Anja Wahrheit. 17 Menschen haben dazu kommentiert. Jessy Non: ""Und siehe da – die Frauen zeigten so ziemlich bei allem körperliche Erregung, selbst bei den Affen." Das würde so vieles erklären ...". Franz Zach: "ich bin ja individualsexuell, autosexuell, traumasexuell und dilemmasexuell. Und nun das Rätsel: hängt was zwischen meinen Beinen, und hängt es tiefer hinab als große Schamlippen?". Martina Hartl: "Oh doch es gibt ganz viele Frauen die sich für den Affen ( sorry liebe Tiere für die negative Verwendung eurer Artbenennung)entschieden haben
11-05-2016 20:16 Reinhard Lang teilt ein Video. Funny van Dannen - Kapitalismus. Bewertung, konstruktive Kritik und Lobeshymnen erwünscht. Kommentare, die dem Reinsteller (also mir) arg Missfallen werden gelöscht... Album: Groooveman (mit....
22-02-2015 13:21 Andrea Linss Photography adds a photo in Kino Zukunft. culture........ DreiGroschenDisko im Tiefenrausch in Concert : Maurizio Presidente Kino Zukunft Berlin...21.Februar 2015. 9 people like this: Magdalena Zaręba, Aida Bruni, Jesko Wrede, Karolina Kaja, Doris Hammer, Engels Karl-Reiner, Christian Ditsch, Joscha Be, Jonas Walzberg.
14-04-2017 23:00 RT posts a video. RT Play. One year Trump says one thing and the next he says the complete opposite.. 25 people like this: Regi Prates, MD Zakir Hossain, Brenda Felker, Zia Lumen, Eben El Balad, حمزه هاكه, Rui Pinto, Ilia Kouznetsov, Nenad Mitic, Oliver Switch, Ammar Alsahli, Nader Blki, Arthur Tunley, Amin Asif, Örn Guðbrandsson, Aldo Vasquez, Dan Donley, Verlen Wyatt, Nontawat Malithong, Alberto Perez de Muñoz, Justin Leaming, Gurwinder Singh, Rosa Rosa, Jan Badshah, Jay Morniflard. 25 people commented on this. Kaylasa Giselle: "Don't worry, most of his fans have the same mental disability, so they won't notice, anyways. Besides, the fact that people expected something different from a billionaire with ties to the Zionists is quite laughable. OF COURSE everything he said in his campaign were lies.". Gary Orrell: "Kaylasa Giselle As opposed to the zombies that supported Obama and Hillary who didn't notice how much they have been screwed for the last 8 years yeh?". Eddie Khani: "what the hell is this guy What is he want ??? can Anybody from the world leader Trust him !!! I don't think so ,,, therefore Russia, china , Iran , Syria and south America countries should be Very careful when they deal with Him". David Deerberg: "Remember when Hillary said she was against gay marriage then she's for it? How many things did Obama flip flop on? Reporting RT for fake news.". Kenneth Williams: "Anyone who has listened to this guy over the last couple years & witnessed his rants & doesn't realize he is completely unstable, is as nutty as he is. & this guy has a finger on the nuclear trigger.". Justin West: "RT is working hard to try and make President Trump look bad when in fact he is doing a great job. It would be great if we can get along with Russia bUT we can't make Russia get along with us. And bombing the Syrian Airbase wasn't planned but Assad drew a line with Trump by using chemical weapons on his own people Trump is a father and a grandfather I'm sure seeing those children gasping for air suffocating to death hit Trump in his heart along with other Americans. just because Trump says we are now making progress with China that's a good thing. All you anti-Americans can hate all you want but America is kicking as* now!". Martin Kra: "The greatest country, very great, with the most huge miliary, very, very huge had the decision to vote either this guy or H.Clinton. Very funny this is. How can such a country survive for a short time in history, a very, very short time? :) You have forgotten a very important Trump flop...he hasn't criticized the fake news media for a while. It looks like he or his brain was changed or washed at least.". Wan Razak: "Money rules for america. Trump said war is a waste of money, but when he's elected, he saw that war makes them so much money, he flipped his story and became like the rest of the previous president.". Alex Zaffino: "If I held you accountable for what you said a year ago or 5, would you enjoy that? Would you have said something in the past you don't agree with now because your views have changed? That's what I thought.". Murphy Paul: "Everyone is thinking it, most want it but too afraid to say it, government, society, democracy, any civilised person on this planet knows Muslim religion has to die, be that at all cost, I don't want my children drawn into an endless life of servitude due to a book, we cannot change attitudes so unfortunately genocide is the only way forward, breaks my heart to say it but there will never be peace in the world while a Muslim recites the Koran". Abdul Jaleel: "Every time new election for president in US ,we think there will be peace this time but each president wants to outsmart the previous president by bombing more and more and opening new fronts.". Dustin Gaffney: "Hey remember when Obama was going to close Guantanamo... so everybody shut the fuk up. Obviously there's been some new information to help formulate decisions.". George Tsiskakis: "You guys in the US are ok its just 4 to 8 years youll get used to it (although i still like Trump) just like us Greeks weve been living with these flip flops since 1974 when the junta fell
23-06-2016 14:23 Johannes Grenzfurthner shares a link. Tembel hat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Got myself a Tembel hat. . A tembel hat (Hebrew: kova tembel, כובע טמבל) is a hat which is an Israeli national symbol. The tembel hat was commonly worn by Jews in Israel from the beginning of the 20th century until the 1970s. In Israeli cartoons it is still used to symbolize the typical Israeli (e.g., the cartoon character Sr...
06-01-2016 21:38 RT shares a link. ISIS facility masters ‘missiles, hi-tech bombs’ - report. The ISIS engineers appear to have also designed a self-made thermal battery – a critical part of a heat-seeking warhead. Islamic State militants are reportedly developing surface-to-air missiles that can hit airliners and military jets, as well as hi-tech car bombs, in a R&D lab in Syria, according to a footage obtained by Sky News. 25 people like this: Khalid Slimani, Jordan Wilson, Jackson Nyasulu, Katona Nasrin, Abdul Latif Ahmadi, Nuala Callaghan, Franklin Diaz, Amouna Hamza, Dave Ebury, Husein Av, محمد العلي, Arthur Thompson, Teo Jörsin, Neil Blanco, Freund Rivera Krauchiner, Mohamed Shaam Ismail, Hasib Sadat, صلاح جديد, Elias Costi, Wãlèd Ńắsr, Muslam Hussien Alamiri, Yasir Azmat, Acyate Balicao Pugao, Oxta Vian, Vlad Cosmin. 25 people commented on this. Mitch Kirsner: "These guys are being trained and financed. By who,RT?". Jules Winnfield: "We all know who's funding this shit". Kalliope Apolonios: "Some have noted the apparent similarity of the Black Stone of Mecca and its silver frame to the external female genitalia. muslims mens suffer from sexual frustration". Didine Bourakni: "Translate: US engineers appear to...". Rizwan Elahi: "Who is selling them weapons? Why no one can see them driving around with weapons , when USA has the technology to read number plates of cars from sky? This all looks more like economic fraud than anything else.". Ru Ben: "you don't just research and developed this tech overnight I reckon they were given a manual/ how to guide lol". Mike Burton: "Great American technology". Tina Wright: "Bomb it!!!!!!!". Arcadio Gonzalez: "is Islam a religion of peace? Many of its advocates say that it is. Let's see what the Qur'an actually says.The Qur'an tells muslims to kill and go to war to fight for Islam: Quran, chapters (Surahs) 9:5; 2:191; 2:193; 3:118; 4:75,76; 5:33, 8:12; 8:65; 9:73,123; 33:60-62.Fight for Allah: "And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers, (Quran 2:191).Muslims are to battle for Allah: "Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil. Lo! the devil's strategy is ever weak," (Quran 4:76).Kill those against Islam: "The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter," (Quran 5:33).Beheading: "When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger. 13That is because they opposed Allah and His messenger. Whoso opposeth Allah and His messenger, (for him) lo! Allah is severe in punishment," (Quran 8:12).Allah urges war: "O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand," (Quran 8:65).Slay non-muslims: "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful," (Quran 9:5).Allah urges war: "O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination," (Quran 9:73).Allah urges war: "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil)," (Quran 9:123).Allah urges killing: " . . . the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease and the agitators in the city do not desist . . . 61Cursed: wherever they are found they shall be seized and murdered, a (horrible) murdering. 62(Such has been) the course of Allah with respect to those who have gone before; and you shall not find any change in the course of Allah, (Quran 33:60-62).Beheading: "Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens . . . " (Quran 47:4).Allah loves those who fight for him: "Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure," (Quran 61:4).As you can see, the Qur'an definitely teaches that its people are to fight for the cause of Islam. This list of verses is important because they are within the holy book of Islam. What are we to conclude if a Muslim is to take the Quran seriously? Is he not obligated to slay non-Muslims, to go to war, to kill those against Islam, etc.? Isn't this what the verses are teaching? Yes, they are; and this is the source of Islamic Terrorism. Salvation In Islam, there is no guarantee of salvation except in one instance, dying in Jihad. Jihad is the struggle--the battle against those who would oppose Islam and what Islam stands for. This is very important because in the Muslim religion, there is no guarantee of salvation. Please consider the following verses:Then, he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) heavy, 7Will be in a life of good pleasure and satisfaction. 8 But he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) light,--9Will have his home in a (bottomless) Pit. (Surah 101:6-9)In Islam, there is no assurance that the Muslim will be forgiven of his sins. As you can see, the Quran teaches a system of works' righteousness. Therefore, no Muslim can ever know whether or not he has done enough good in order to please Allah. This is a burden that many Muslims do not like to bear. Jihad If we can see that the Islamic system of salvation based upon works cannot guarantee salvation, but fighting in jihad can; and we could see why Muslims terrorists would be eager to die (and take others with them) for the cause of their religion. It is the only way they can be guaranteed paradise. It is this fundamental principle in Islam that encourages terrorism."Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,--whether he is slain or gets victory--Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value)." (4:74, Yusifali)."Allah's Apostle said, "Allah guarantees (to the person who carries out Jihad in His Cause and nothing compelled him to go out but Jihad in His Cause and the belief in His Word) that He will either admit him into Paradise (Martyrdom) or return him with reward or booty he has earned to his residence from where he went out," (Hadith Vol. 9, Book 93, # 555).". Jon-Adolf Rogmalm: "I don't understand why this facility still exists.". Mike A Báez II: "And with the help of the US and Isreal.". Wladimir K Alfaro M: "a ver que estos temibles personajes se han inventado....ojala occidente tenga algo para cotrarestarlo". Alex AdnanPopara Mercer: "Suuuuure... They did not get that tech from USA.". Goran Slemani: "". Hector F Latorre Seda: "When you let the genie out of the bottle for your benefit it stays out of the bottle.". Tommy Fogleman: "ISIS engineers? Oh you mean CIA techs". Ahmed Khalil: "Fuck their weapons and fuck their "caliphate."". Larry O'sullivan: "What a load of rubbish they got those weapons from mummy the ghastly Saudi Arabians who got them from you are right the USA.". Adrian Mihai Radian: "Bomb fast the facility! Simple!". Daniel Allan: "lmfao i've never laughed so hard before in my life. oooo big scary daesh boogie men.". Master Debater: "Bhabani Sankar". Mark Geordie Trory: "russia give the kurds tanks and helicopters and all the top weaponary and isis will run for the hills within months". Daniel Allan: "Daesh. People who trade sex slaves and abuse children and women. pathetic humans who dont deserve to breath the same air as the rest of us.". Daniel Lint: "Yeah. And the bloods and crops have designed and built automated cybernetic drive-by shooters...see? Eye aaay!". Evan Martin: "9/11".
16-10-2015 10:07 teilt einen Link. "3"verkauft nun alle Handys ohne SIM-Lock. Guter Schritt für Konsumenten.. Trend geht zu SIM only Tarifen, seit Mobilfunker Handys verteuerten. 25 Menschen gefällt das: Christoph Staudinger, Niki Hava, Hans Peter Mandl, Stefan Götzinger, Oberla Hofpower, Christoph Enne, Roland Stadlbauer, Tom Hahnl, Markus Lauss, Herbert Nachtelberger, Luis Nell, Fabian Todt, Clemens J. Perner, Benjamin Ruzička, Michael Laforme, Van Hugsen, Theodor Sperl, Marsellus Wallace, Robert Weiß, Rene Riedinger, Harald Pabisch, Patrik Ladstätter, Julia Mayerl, Markus Kerschhofer, Johann Dirry. 7 Menschen haben dazu kommentiert. Josef Michael Petz: "3 wird mir immer sympathischer. Ich glaube, ich werde nächstes Jahr meinen Vertrag beim überteuerten Anbieter A1 kündigen und wechseln.". Abdullah Demirci: "Mir wurde auch gesagt, das mein neues Handy S6 edge keine Simlock hat, jedoch bekam ich ein Gerät mit Simlock.". Chris Tom: "Habens das endlich auch von Orange übernommen :-)". Peter Pabel: "besser Schritt wäre dass dienTarife günstiger werden". Georg Königshofer: "Angesichts der Preise, die die für ihre Geräte verlangen ist das ja auch zu erwarten... Die "Statt-Preise", die auf den Rechnungen angeführt sind, sind ja meist 200,- über den Preisen für entsperrte Geräte.". Sandro Copacabana Pinter: "Würde vielleich jemand von der Redaktion so freundlich sein und mir erklären (geht aus dem Artikel nämlich nicht heraus) ob auch die über Erstanmeldung/Vertragsverlängerung bezogenen Geräte keinen Simlock mehr haben??! Denn zum Vollpreis (inkl. Unlock) hat "3" seine Geräte immer schon verkauft. Bitte um Aufklärung. (Der Link im Artikel führt mich nämlich auch nur zur "3" Homepage)". Florian Sporer: "Ist das nicht schon lange Pflicht ?".
24-10-2015 17:12 Christina Raab posts a video. New Order - Blue Monday 12 inch (HD). audio remastered but two faults. 3 people like this: Chiara Honig, Andreas Karl, Marc-Christopher Damm. 1 person commented on this. Christina Raab: "Andreas Karl".
19-06-2015 11:17 pieces of berlin adds a photo. The Pieces of Berlin book is available online for 27€ (english/german - 208 pages - edition of 1000)
30-11-2015 22:42 Funslippers Funwear adds a photo. Funslippers Funwear's cover photo. . 2 people like this: Marika Kreft, Merke Dir MK.
14-05-2015 17:24 Bixx Schneider adds a photo. .
22-06-2015 16:34 Volkswagen Karriere hat ein Foto hinzugefügt. In dieser Woche sind wir für Euch im Süden Deutschlands unterwegs. Am Mittwoch könnt Ihr uns auf der IKOM in München von 09:30 – 16:30 antreffen. Am Freitag sind wir dann in Karlsruhe auf der bonding von 09:30 – 16:30 für Euch da. Schaut gerne vorbei und stellt uns Eure Fragen rund um das Thema Einstieg bei Volkswagen. Falls Ihr diese Woche nicht die Möglichkeit habt, in den Süden zu kommen, schaut doch einfach mal in unseren Veranstaltungskalender hier auf Facebook oder unter: vorbei. Wir sind in diesem Jahr noch auf diversen Veranstaltungen vertreten, bei denen Ihr uns besuchen könnt. 7 Menschen gefällt das: Derya Ay, Evi Hauber, bonding Aachen, Stefano Guardianelli, Stefan Drabent, Kat Rin, Thomas Matuschek. 1 Mensch hat dazu kommentiert. Anna Schulz: "Autsch, das Bild mit dem Bordstein schmerzt
23-02-2016 19:00 RT UK shares a link. Casualties feared as blast at Dicdot power station in Oxfordshire declared ‘major incident’. BREAKING. Several casualties have been reported in an incident at a British Didcot power plant with the witnesses reporting an explosion at the site. 14 people like this: Roger Moore, Carl Asher Simmonds, Siraj Negash, Muhammad Humaayun, Engga D'Bigharry Alenta, Chander Wadhwani, Robin Scott Hunter, JC Thompson, مطوسي مهيب, Adrien Chanøk, Debra A Myers, Mani Shah WS, Carlos Achique, Joseph Duval. 1 person commented on this. Mani Shah WS: "