The environment

… i life in, the environment that surrounds me …

Since February 2018 i'm disconnected from my old environment (since Facebook changed their API in 2017). But from now on, October 2019, i found a new one.
The content below -more for historical reasons- are snippets of my old environment... (yes, you get a random selection for free! if you want to buy my old environment, lets get in contact.)

02-01-2015 10:40 teilt einen Link. Das Macbook mit dem Backofen reparieren. Großartig! (Allerdings nicht zur Nachahmung empfohlen! ;) ). iFixit-Bastler greift zu ungewöhnlichen Maßnahmen - und hat Erfolg damit. 5 Menschen gefällt das: Rainer Kober, Patrick Neussl, Keanu Sutschek, Christopher Mallmann, David Sellitsch. 5 Menschen haben dazu kommentiert. Christian Sauer: "xbox 360 RROD victims did this before it was cool!". Stefan Bartoschek: "5 tage zu spät ist arg:\ traurig wie langsam die deutschsprachigen medien sind:[". Christopher Mallmann: "Nicht jetzt noch sämtliche "superuser" zu solchen Stunts ermutigen...bitte nicht :D". Andreas Bernhard Aigner: "hefixedit (Y)". Marcel Halter: "Also das ist doch ein alt bewährter trick, habe so schon des öfteren Platinen wieder zum leben erweckt".
19-11-2016 20:08 Ida Nowhere teilt einen Link. der ida gehts immer so schlecht! da bauch hängt schon über die schürze drüber. deswegen gehen wir heute ins Gelegenheiten Berlin leise ins bier weinen. ok. 3 Menschen gefällt das: Sebastiao Berlin, Philtrum Lina, Gelegenheiten Berlin.
05-02-2015 17:22 Eugenio Tisselli Vélez shares a link. Climate change signals the end of the social sciences. "We can no longer place some events into the box marked 'Nature' and some into the box marked 'Human'.". In response to the heatwave that set a new Australia-wide record on 7 January, when the national average maximum reached 40.33°C, the Bureau of Meteorology issued a statement that, on reflection, sounds….
11-04-2015 06:08 ZEIT ONLINE teilt einen Link. Was, wenn sie sich wirklich Mühe gäben?. Neues Trinkspiel gefällig? Hören Sie das verlässliche, neue Album von Calexico und gießen sich bei jedem Mandolinen-Einsatz einen Schnaps runter. Danach machen auch die anderen Alben der Woche noch mehr Spaß. (lf). Die Villagers haben Liebeskummer und Earl Sweatshirt wütet in Zwischenmenschlichem. Calexico sind darüber längst erhaben und meditieren nur noch. Die Tonträger der Woche. 5 Menschen gefällt das: Benjamin Stock, Li Perla, Katrin Rutishauser, Paulo Machado, Bettina Hernandez.
22-07-2015 23:36 Arnold Noid Haberl macht irgendwas. Reheat 2015 "Die heimliche Ordnung der Dinge". reheat 2015 - "Die heimliche Ordnung der Dinge" Samstag, 22. August 2015 Festival am kleylehof13 / Nickelsdorf Das polydisziplinär-utopische Ein-Tages-Festival reheat kreist heuer um den Begriff der "Ordnung" und räumt auf. Gibt es eine eine (heimliche) Ordnung der Dinge? Liegt diese Ordnung in den Dingen oder in unseren Köpfen? Ist nicht jegliche Ordnung ohnedies nur Illusion, ein Wahrnehmungsmodus, oder eine kurzfristige launische Spielart des Chaos? Ist "eh alles in Ordnung" oder brauchen wir Ordnungshüter und "law & order"? Lässt sich durch Vermessung der Welt eine Matrix ergründen? Wer macht Ordnung und warum? Welche Art von Ordnung (sozial oder politisch, konkret oder metaphorisch, hierarchisch- linear oder rhizomatisch, konkret oder abstrakt, die Ordnung der Welt oder die des Geistes,...) gemeint ist, bleibt offen, die gemeinte Ordnung bleibt geheim und offenbart sich nicht auf den ersten Blick. Die gesellschaftlichen Manifestationen der "Ordnung der Dinge" zeigen sich aber in diesem Sommer auch ganz konkret: Der Mietvertrag für das Gebäude kleylehof13 läuft mit Ende Oktober 2015 aus und wird - so wie die Dinge stehen - nicht verlängert. Ein offener Brief an den Vermieter blieb bislang ohne Antwort. reheat 2015 ist wahrscheinlich die letzte Gelegenheit die Un/Ordnung "eines der innovativsten Kunstprojekte des Burgenlands" (Eva Hillinger / Burgenland heute 6.7.2015) zu erleben., mit: Alfred Stohl Antonia Baehr Carsten Stabenow Die Ordnung der Dinge / Meriel Price DJ Christof Kurzmann Hanna Hartman JD Zazie & Agnes Hvizdalek l.izzo Lisa Kortschak Matthias Meinharter Mischa Leinkauf, Lutz Henke, Matthias Wermke Möström Nikki Schuster one man nation /aka tara transitory Paul Skrepek / Andreas Platzer Sabine Marte Tarab XXX DO DOG. Reheat 2015 "Die heimliche Ordnung der Dinge". 1 Mensch gefällt das: Ursula Napravnik.
14-05-2017 20:47 Chronik der Gutmenschen hat ein Foto hinzugefügt. Timeline Photos. Über das (vorläufige) Wahlergebnis will ich gar nicht viele Worte verlieren. Nur so viel: Es ist in jeder Hinsicht enttäuschend. Vielmehr möchte ich Kritik anbringen, nämlich an die Verantwortlichen in Dortmund, die es versäumt haben, klare Kante gegen Rechts zu zeigen. Im Rathaus findet zur Zeit eine Wahlparty statt. Dort stürmten vor drei Jahren 20 Nazis aus dem Umfeld der Partei "Die Rechte" eine Wahlparty und griffen Gäste an, dabei wurden zehn Menschen verletzt. Und heute? Heute werden dieselben Nazis hofiert, dürfen offiziell an der Wahlparty teilnehmen. Circa 40 von ihnen haben die Halle in Beschlag genommen und feiern für und mit "Die Rechte", Vertreter der restlichen Parteien haben sich nach oben verzogen. Unten laufen sie jetzt mit "HKN KRZ"-Shirt herum, laut dem Journalisten Felix Huesmann sollen auch Gründer rechter Terrorzellen unter ihnen sein. Nazifotografen schüchtern Demokraten ein, indem sie Portraitaufnahmen machen. Das passiert, wenn man Nazis eben jene demokratischen Privilegien zugesteht, die sie abzuschaffen gedenken. Das passiert, wenn man sich vor den Rechten wegduckt, anstatt klare Kante zu zeigen. So etwas darf nicht passieren. 25 Menschen gefällt das: Lukas Wanke, Marvin DO, Ruben Lu, Alexander Grau, Lu Caleon, Jan Kafka, Steffe Esteban, Lutz Westphal, Lasse Weking, Rachel Kress, Martin Cremer, Jana Nordmann, Heike Vollgraf, Fiona Frühling, Alfred Merkel, Robin Stapelfeldt, Elke Pauline Hopp, Marcus Markus, Frederick Rosenbaum, Bojana Messmer, Simone Stachelhaus, Fabi Ke, Tobias Schweinzer, Dominik Bruns, Simon Fröhlich. 11 Menschen haben dazu kommentiert. Cor Mich: "Die Stadt Dortmund ist bei mir schon lange unten durch. Genauso ein braunes Drecksnest wie Dresden. Man wünscht sich für Dortmund Allied Forces.....". Martina Jacobs: "Dortmund, was wird aus dir...". Anne Müller: "bin einfach nur wütend und traurig :(". Faszinierend.: "Früher konnten die Dortmunder Stadträt*innen mal klare Kante gegen Nazis zeigen.". Rosa Winkel: "Ekelhaft". José Antonio Roque Toimil: "". Jan Kissing: "Hanno May René Puttler". Sergio Peppone: "Dreckspack !". Änna Banäna: "Marie Marley". Richard Blume: "das ist zwar unschön, aber nennt man nun mal demokratie. ka wie man etwas gegen die demokratie haben kann. an den paar trottligen rechten wird die demokratie nicht zugrunde gehen.". Martin Cremer: " und Bahnhofsklatscher!!!".
28-09-2016 18:03 ZEIT ONLINE teilt einen Link. 599 Euro für zehn Quadratmeter in Berlin: „Wem die Wohnung zu teuer ist, der muss sie nicht nehmen“. Da macht lieber Couchsurfing.. Jechiel Skurnik bietet in Berlin Kreuzberg eine Wohnung zu einem Preis von 52,40 Euro pro Quadratmeter an. Der Aufschrei über das „Wohnklo“ war groß. sprach mit dem Eigentümer. 25 Menschen gefällt das: Walter Moers, Arne Pluhar, Lau Ra Croft, Kießling Nils, Kristin Hoffmann, Ilona Papp, Anna Konieczny, Katharina Meyer, Terence Nikolic, Stefanie Butte, Linda Schiller, Malén JaRi, Christin Dargel, Shimon Becker, Fal Li, Clemens Jach, Reiner Gombert, Daniel Sc, Anna Gruber, Inga Hoffmann, Monika Gutmann, Désirée Damm, Gundelfine von Brackenheimer, Ulli Andreesen, Tarık Oğuz. 25 Menschen haben dazu kommentiert. Frank Buttenbender: "immerhin mit Fenster". Antje Proske: "Und das Klo ist aufm Gang?". Tony Meier: "Dieser Vermieter ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes asozial!". Ralf Tarifa: "die vielgepriesene mietpreisbremse funktioniert ja prächtig! LOL. ich kann mich erinnern, dass es irgendwann mal gesetze gegen "wucherei" gab...wo sind die denn hin :D". Carsten Ditzel: "wohnt selbst mit Familie schick in Berlin und ist sich nicht zu schade, ärmere Leute, die dringend auf Wohnraum angewiesen sind, auszunehmen". Mel Hertz: "Man muss sich aber tatsächlich fragen, warum jeder möglichst zentral in einer Großstadt leben muss. Die Dörfer sterben aus, der Wertverlust von Immobilien "auf dem platten Land" ist enorm. Es herrschst keine Wohnungsnot, Wohnungen und Häuser gibt es genug. Wer ohnehin nicht in Berlin-Mitte, Stuttgart-Mitte/-West oder Mainhatten - oder gar nicht - arbeitet: Warum dort wohnen? Um sich über den Lärm aufzuregen?". Dada Ismus: "Warten lohnt sich... Letzte Woche Freitag lag die Miete noch bei 749 Euro! :D". Stefanie Junges: "Mit den zwei Ikea Regalen an der Wand und den Hockern sieht die Ausstattung in der Tat sehr luxuriös aus
10-02-2015 15:05 Pitchfork shares a link. Alabama Shakes Announce New Album Sound & Color , Share "Don't Wanna Fight". Alabama Shakes are back with Sound & Color, their new LP out in April. Check out first single "Don't Wanna Fight". Southern rockers also announce tour. 25 people like this: Lisa Vegas, Zeltee Edwards III, Maggie Sherwood, Greg Gonzales, Antony Well, Autumn Ferreira, Swathi Ratna Bah, Jacob B. Lewis, Jessica Lentz, Urh Rucigaj, Jevon D'Souza, Miguel Bustria, Christopher Donofrio, Jacelyn 'Winfield' Ferguson, Mariana Cosette, Tiago Mendes, Jon Mendelsohn, Christopher Hernandez, Jessica Bursztynsky, Mairi Lawther, Steve Ritchie, Jordan Greenberg, AJ Randazzo, Aroa Burton, Jason Yach. 4 people commented on this. Teens Only: "Hi.... My name is Jennifer :( I`m 19 year old ...please support me by liking my page :( please like (y) my page....:'( You will never regret .. <3 <3 1 like 1 help. thanks". Mihai Bălănică: "Tara Naumovici Bella". Colin Vlasak: "Zoran Jovicic". Aroa Burton: "Donna Delta :3".
26-01-2015 21:59 Kasia Bigos posts a video. alt-J - Slow Dre [HD]. Mash up of Kylie Minogue's 'Slow' and Dr. Dre's 'Still Dre' featuring Snoop Dogg.. 5 people like this: Maria Szczodrowska, Radek Staniec, Przemysław Duda, Raf Kam, Paulina Ziemba.
28-06-2015 20:01 Wikileaks shares a link. Full text: The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014-... China issues highly critical human rights report on US -- citing police violence, mass spying, torture. The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a report titled. 25 people like this: Dagem Worku, Sebastian Körbi, Linda Espinal, David Morris, Malia Suria Pahoa, Joe O'Brien, Mayra Lopez, Carlo Buttazzo, Dylan Shepherd, Per-Erik Cassel, TJ Hollis, Dian Solis, Remy Martin, Daire Adelaide, Nils Borhards, Kiarash Koushfar, Libor Von Schonau, Lars Klein, Johnny Spahn, Innes Nimmo, Khairol Basri M Arif, Steven Lip, Steve Guptill, Ombretta Cini, Lynn OleSkool Medley. 25 people commented on this. Chris Binker: "Haha, coming from China a country that violates human rights more then anyone.". Sweeney Michael: "Ha Ha ...big governments are on the same side ... THE ...GENOCIDE ...!! WAKE UP .. ... while you can .... They want us dead". Klaas Tieme Smit: "Pot, Kettle, and Black in one sentece, anyone?". Stephen Theron: "Hahaha. One's as bad as the other.". Eli Flanagan: "Lol china ; that's hilarious.". Hazem Mansour: "At least they are honest contrary to USA". Marco Emilio Giovanni Maltese: "It's The American Dream, baby.". Brendan Lester: "bit rich coming from china". Andrew Meyer: "Not a good referral for a country that claims to protect and defend human rights....". Asim Jesim: "Truth is bitter sometimes . ;-)". Stephen Blyth: "Just firing back...". Rufo De Villa: "Wikileaks = china's propaganda". George Kanakaris: "Look who's talking...". Joseph Corner: "pot and the kettle?". Terry Mcginn: "Pots an kettles!". Cri Dascalu: "ouch!". Usayeed-ul Haque: "Lol. China and the US love each other really- they've both got too much in common!". Craig Algier: "Lol". Naveed Ahmed Kayani: "اب آپ پڑھ سکتے ہیں پاکستان تحریک انصاف کی ہر خبر اردو میں، نیچے دئیے اس فیس بک کے لنک کو لائیک کریں اور اپنے نظریاتی ساتھیوں کو انوائیٹ بھی کریں تک آپ اور آپ کے دوست، عمران خان اور پی ٹی آئی کی تمام اپ ڈیڈس جان سکیں شکریہ!". Luiz Prado: "And it is all true!". Shawn Eng: "Comment deleted by Central Propaganda Department.". JB Baynes: "..and start the new P.R. Wars . But so strange, who do we root for / against?". Derrick VanderWall: "lol". Nick Watson: "We already know this". Daniel Enrike: "What to expect when US president is a fckn muslim.When US gov is dependent from jews money makers which rule together with arab oil bilions..thers not much america in america now.The same is with most of europe.middle east jews and muslims hate western civilization thats why want change.We have enemy inside if our countries.".
21-09-2016 02:15 International Space Station adds a photo. Photos from International Space Station's post. The moon, city lights and thunderstorms illuminate these nighttime views of Earth. 25 people like this: Allan Michael Ramos, Adimaibole Waqainabete, Ashwini Bhadke, Motoc Marius Cristi, Gayathri Narambhatla, Drew Duffy, Dhammika Malwaththage, Sue Seel, Accio Ichi Ferula Factor, Ddk WhiteDevil, Gerlinde Sternhard, Olja Pavlova, Pamela Gunsell, Lalchand L C Sharma, Asad Qaisar, Muhammad Faysal, Bijoy Singh, Varun Bokade, Laura Pacey, Sõuvik Mãiti, Kaloy Panahon, Raymond Calison, Tenda Tjoelker, Princess Dionio, Mykola Ivanchenko. 25 people commented on this. Will Crowther: "Thank you, NASA, Roscosmos, and all the other participating space agencies and countries of the ISS.". Gary Whitlock: "Man, some people have the coolest jobs, don't they? Imagine being up there, with views like this every time you look out... Awesome...". Silvia Alvarez Rodden: "That is sooo amazingly beautiful! It must be so wonderful to get to see this every day.". Ted Copeland: "WOW.. it all seems so big from down here, then you see that perspective and you can see it all and it seems so small, then zoom out even more and Earth is just a speck of dust...". Camille Hudson: "These pictures are fantastic. Thank you crew of the ISS.". Steph Dee: "Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this beauty of nature!". Rami Rami: "You guys so lucky to be up there ,just wow how beautiful the view". Robert Morris: "Thank you. We are grateful for sharing these beautiful photos with the world.". Michael Cerda: "When I see pictures like this, it reminds me how small and insignificant my problems are. Life is a beautiful thing❤️". Gordy Nelson: "Amazing....I don't think I could leave a window if I was up there. What an incredible world we live in". Jenny Giesbrecht: "It's always refreshing to see images like this to keep everything in perspective. We're all hurtling through the universe on the same rock together.". AP Ashish Poudel: "The busy earth and its people.. Thats really awesome view.". Julia Worrell: "Just saw an I max film on this very topic. Spectacular.". Pat Krutsch: "Kind of puts things into perspective. We are tiny dots in these photos.". Ericho Locsin: "Wow what a beautiful pics thank you for sharing me this photo shot, wonderful view". Michael S Murphy: "Beautiful photos and great photography job, ISS astronauts. I see the nighttime surface lit by the Moon lit by the Sun. Keep exploring space!". Sarah Moscrop: "Awesome!!! I miss these pictures - when Tim was up there he was posting photos like this pretty much every day x". Nicole Bishop: "Love...LOVE...LOVE...a thousand times over ♡♡♡ Nothing more beautiful!!". Jesse Bussard: "Look at how beautiful our Globe. Yet our Land!!! OMG we love you!!! Thank for putting this wisdom in us!!! We love you so much and thank you International space station. And NASA for your time and efforts in America and the World wide vision!!! Please share more!! And keep us updated!!!". Travis Tornatore: "I have set up one of the Live Feeds from the ISS as my screensaver. I had never sat and just stared at a screensaver...until now. Awesome views!". Carol Hess Kennedy: "Pretty crowded up there. When I lived on Canton Island our space and missile test center was the first location to track the original Apollo Soyuz mission.". Aindrila Maya Pal: "There Ebaad Ansari,get ready to be amazed :) "achingly beautiful" as someone said :)". Jared Lawrance: "Chau Nguyen, these are similar to the images in A beautiful planet we saw at IMAX.". Syed Mehdi: "Thanks ISS for beautiful pics which we could not have seen without you". Sue Walder: "That's amazing and doesn't seem so far away. What an experience!".
24-02-2016 13:58 Philip Hautmann adds a photo. Grosa & Nebulosa. The Resonance Project. 1 person commented on this. Philip Hautmann: "".
03-02-2016 00:02 Inti Romero adds a photo. Inti's cover photo. <3 Felipe #Unlike is an exhibition designed by Thomas Cheneseau The show brings together for the first time, a selection of international artists who appropriate Facebook in their works. JONAS LUND- 1,164,041 Or How I Failed In FELIPE RIVAS SAN MARTIN- El retrato de INTIMIDAD ROMERO (A Portrait of Intimacy) BENJAMIN GROSSER Demetricator ANTHONY ANTONELLIS Bliss GRÉGORY CHATONSKY Capture CÉSAR ESCUDERO ANDALUZ Tapebook MILO REINHARDT & CONAN LAI ERICA LAPADAT-JANZEN Screenshots RAPHAËL ISDANT Hekkah CARRIE GATES Pizzabook ANTONIN LAVAL ɟɟɟɟɟɟɟɟɟɟɟɟɟ KAJA CXZY ANDERSEN Becoming the Galápagos CLIFTON ANTHONY Bored Lord Unlike Exhibition From 2 to 26 February, 2016 Opening February 2 / 18h Chapelle des Augustins - Poitiers (FR).
29-06-2015 01:26 Pitchfork shares a link. Interviews: The Proverbial Wisdom of Earl Sweatshirt. "I start so strong, and then I don't care. I can finish. I know how to. It's just getting the willpower to."—Earl Sweatshirt. At 21, Earl Sweatshirt is reckoning with the persona he’s built up so far—as a hermit, as a recluse, as ... 25 people like this: スレンダ ー キャット, Sebastián Soto, Anne Klein, Aaron Goode, Axel Lindquist, Armando Suarez, Nathan Motzko, Ali Selcuk Akinci, Winona Bell-Scott, Riley Dwyer, Hailey Calbury, Zoë Lamphere, Kaspar Caldwell, Emmanuel Ferreira Puigmartí, Zaydel Hernandez, Melanny Castro, Allain Bricks Jnr, Charlotte Bowden, Ailish Eaglesham, Nathan Hafke, Justine Cornwall, Brice Smith, Ido Green, Pedro Campelo, Sarah Sledge. 7 people commented on this. Joshua Fulkerson: "Hunter Boling". Josh Brothers: "Earl, stop getting "sick" every time I go to see your show. You did it to me at Bonnaroo '13 and in Raleigh in April.". Daniel Devlin: "1st". Matias Heskestad: "Earl is one insane lyricist.". Samuel William: "Every time you repost this article I will comment letting you know I'm aware of you guys being lazy journalists. Do more work.". Julián Vega: "Yeah, yeah it's cool and everything but, when you going to drop an album again?". Hailey Calbury: "Cody yooo".
18-05-2015 01:46 Ben Grosser shares a link. Now You Can 3-D Print Your Own Copy of NYC's Illegal Snowden Bust | WIRED. Will Arnold, Kiley Reed Black what's the max build size on A+D's printers? :). The artists behind an illegal bust of Snowden planted in a Brooklyn park have now uploaded a 3-D printable file of their bust to Thingiverse. 4 people like this: Billie Theide, Richard Urban, Will Arnold, Kiley Reed Black. 1 person commented on this. Kiley Reed Black: "8"x12"...we may have to build it in two parts if we want it to be life size.".
23-12-2015 17:24 RT shares a link. Ankara decision to down Russian Su-24 bomber wrong - pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party leader. 'A solution that won’t harm our two nations should be found'. Turkey's decision to take out Russia’s Su-24 was a mistake, and now it’s time to look for a solution to the situation, co-chairman of the Turkish People’s Democratic Party told Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a meeting in Moscow. 25 people like this: Rawad Hadad, Abhishek Rai, Charlie Mendez, Usman Mushtaq, Didou Lantik, Parlindungan Nainggolan Lindung, Toni Strandman, Hans Schultz, Johannes Hei, Adam Adam, Hesham Mostafa, كرار سليم سليم, Zeljko Bruza, Gerald Ward, AB Starc Sajilb, Andrés Pablo, Ali Naqi, Hussein Ghazy, Axel Stein, Kemal Yildirim, Ana Aya, Ali Nassr, Armand Sevic Givanov, Wajid Hussain Chinari, José Luis. 25 people commented on this. Anton Liberali: "such a gentle and kind hearted man. Bless the kurds and the russians. Turkish state terror must be destroyed.". Rana Babar Iqbal: "ITS RAJPOOT ❌BOT POWERED BY RANA BABAR IQBAL❌". Bab Jiyan: "25 million Kurds in turkey are ready to carve the Turks up like a turkey . Arm them they have the men they just need the weapons to cause total chaos for Turks". Ari Ali: "turkish terrorists will hurt now the russian and kurds are friends :P". Tiki Bankitse: "of course it was wrong! This was a direct attack and Russia failed to react!". Karvan Şahin: "Not just wrong but also shameful. Bijî Demirtaş.". Güngörenli Merrahum: "Terrorist !!!". Ana Perez Jimenez: "Mira como graban a este padre teniendo SEXO con su hija que abuso OMG". Amit Barua: "Roast turkey!". Hilal Azeri: "This news proved punishing kurds is nt a crime!bastard persian nomad morrons.". Ertas Orhan: "Apologies,why? Russian should apologize Crimea,Ukraine,Syrian citizens,Turkey,Azerbaijan,Poland,Latvian,Bulgarian ,Tatars,Chechnya etc....What an arrogant peanuts.". Erik Hakstege: "Anyone seen Carlos ? DUTCH ASKING ...". Aaron Zahn: "İts not Suprise When America İnvaded Iraq, and rape women and kill children, Kurd were kissing foot of killer American Soldiers in N. Iraq. Now in Russia. Russia and Armenian killed more than 1 millions Kurds and Burnt kurdish cities and villiges in E. Ukraine. My Grandfather Kurd. His family were killed by Russian and Armenian and his villige burnt . this man shame for Kurd". Bayram Yücel: "Tatarstan president can fly to Turkey meet with turkish minister and say we support Turkey? After tomorrow putin kreml maffia kill tatarstan president.". Aaron Zahn: "Wash your Ortodox Christian ass mister Lovrov. Muslim Kurd will kiss your Ortodox ass today. Its honor for him. He is your monkey". Lee Titterton: "shit just got real.....". Hasan Aziz: "Now the western and eastern know that they had helped their enemies and formed them after the world war ii,they divided kurdish state into four parts ruthlethly...I hope they will help kurds to unite their country and new kurdistan will rebirth again....through the history kurds have used as a second class people and watched them but now they know that and find their faithful friend in middle east.". Ahmet Soytürk: "Is russian teror state?". Ertas Orhan: "There are many hero Kurdish soldiers in Turkish army who fight's against Pkk.I think Putin will be pregnant soon,he sucks a lot of dicks last time,specially dictators and illegal terror organisations.Another basterd will born.". Rabih Halbawi: "The US only work with Crazy liars and dictators such Erdogan!". Cengiz Ipek: "Russia is a terror supporter now, literally. HDP=PKK". John Asturias: "Putin is sweet talking all of them...he is making Peace?". Kadri Yaşar: "Russia..The biggest MAFIA state ! No law, No regulation, everything in between PUTIN's two lips.". Robert Carter: "Trump and Putin are taking over. These games wrecking the globe are going to end.
18-09-2015 20:15 Discarding Images adds a photo. Timeline Photos. duelling snailriders Baldus de Ubaldis, Super quattuor libros Institutionum Justiniani, [Venice] Johannes de Colonia et Nicolaus Jenson et socii, 1480-1481 (Beaune, Bibliothèque municipale, inc. 3, t. III, p. 1). 25 people like this: Gleißarella Beträchtlich, Fabián Ríos, Los Gnosticos Antiguos Y Modernos, Nugzar Mdzinarisvili, Cheshire Weiskopf, Naomi Heulwen, Olga Kashimbeckova, Fabien Girard, Lena Rudnicka, Stare obrazki ze zwierzętami, Chie Shinohara, Anna Porfirieva, Yvonne Vulcano, Barry Landry, Nat Xeus, Stenzel Rita, Giuseppe Marrani, Marysia Talko, Peter Däneke, Börcsök Bernadett, Baptiste Personne, Marion Chaouabti, Paweł Detko, Bettina Condwiramurs Huber, Jo Grail. 23 people commented on this. Rob Cooper: "If this sport was ever televised the slow motion replays would take a fortnight...". Sarah Mantoan: "The Neverending Story :-)". Katarzyna Szumińska: "Krystyna Stawiarska! Podeslij Ilonie :D". Alessandro De La Cruz: "Ira care lumachine ☺️". Cheryl Lowman: "Slowest Joust EVAR!!". Marta Cichocka: "Ostra jazda :-P". Anne-Marie Truman: "1,2,3,4 I declare snail WAR......". Ruth Meszaros: "Monks just want to have fun!". Erin Peach: "Kristian SNAIL JOUSTING.". Karin Sturgill: "I think this was used as a cartoon during that time.". Rick Hobson: "Relax sire. This tourney might take some time...". Joe St Jack: "Darcy St Jack". Charlie Librarian: "Ready, steady, go!". Craig Proulx: "this is now my new profile pic". Agnese Pavanello: "magnifique!". Holly Ai Smith: "Owen V-h". Martin Knoch: "maybee this is a symbol for adminstrativ offcers doing a duell.". Trisha Kyner: "Mark McColloch, create your own CCBC metaphor...". Mark McColloch: "The naked truth is that progress comes slowly.". Marcela De Barruel: "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++". Talya Rozen: "מקסים". Marion Chaouabti: "Baptiste Personne encore mieux que le full contact médiéval". Rick Hobson: "I suddenly realized that this might be political satire. I wish we could figure out who the livery belonged to.".
09-02-2017 07:31 Selli Rein shares a link. dschungelbuch geier. Furchtbar witzig.
06-04-2017 01:21 RT posts a video. RT Play. WARNING: DISTRESSING FOOTAGE 1 dead, 4 injured after ‘cow vigilantes’ attack cattle transporters in India DETAILS: 25 people like this: Rof Raf Ronto, Wajji Khan, Asjad Awan, Walid Bradosty, مرتضي جميل المحمودي, Mohamed El Seba'y, Sami Antar, Eberhart Sauweich, Mushtaba Raz, Injad Miah, Moh'd Asghar, Phakpurin Pimatukan, Alin Alex, Ahmad Nabeel, Nasser Loutfi, Ahri Mman, Jens Wessman, Sachin Salaria, Mohd Rezwan, Sean King, Piriyapong Prachumsuk, Marian Fass, Mike Bravo, Oscar Javier Ortegón González, Laurence Bennett. 25 people commented on this. Tanvir Islam: "Only If they were so protective towards their women's". Melissa Mastrianni: "Cows are gods to husband, who is a non practicing Muslim, born and raised in Pakistan but left back in the 80s, always says Hindus are hypocrites because they will sell cattle to make money, but yet they profess to love them like a god....I don't know, but that's why they're doing this,because they worship the cow. Just sayin.....". Casey McCune: "If your religion says you can't eat beef that means YOU can't eat beef, that does not apply to me. So to them killing a human is not as bad as killing a cow.". Beau Arnold: "Go to 2nd Avenue in Nashville Tennessee on a busy weekend night and burn some bibles there on the sidewalk and see if the exact same scenario doesn't play out. Insulting someone's religion usually has some repercussions.". Hasan Arif: "Inidia is the 2nd meat exporter in the world. still they are pretending to be the protector of cows & telling everyone "cows are their mother". According to them they are selling....... ! Funny!!!!!". Ahmèd Yousry: "I'm an Egyptian Muslim, I lived in Bangalore for two years and I didn't see any racism and my best friends there were Hindu... Educated Indians are very helpful and decent..I'm sure that these violent guys in the video are ignorant, illiterate and most of Indians will be against such crime... deepest condolences to the victim's family. #I_love_India #Respect_Hindus_Christians_Muslims". Francisco Gonzales: "You know it's shit like this as to why aliens avoid helping us. Stupid fucken monkeys still basically flinging shit at one another. Wait, wait, wait. Not just this but this doomed planet as a whole in general.". Mithila Govindäraj: "This has nothing to do with sacredness of cows, if it were, these individuals would constantly seek to protect their rights. This is purely to do with their hate for the Muslim culture. These EXTREMISTS are just that, as the most important aspect of Hinduism in fact is non violence. They're barbarians who use religion as an excuse to vent their anger". Kirk Johnson: "This is why all relgions should be banned. I'm tired of all the bullshit. Love each, stop killing each other over shit that non of you can prove. This isn't God.". Jose Resendiz Santos: "Fundamentalism is synonymous of stupidity, I won't kill anybody because a book, a bearded man or a political leader, we are grown up enough to understand what's right and what's wrong.....". M Ahsan Mohsin: "The biggest exporter of beef. Its good when you get money for selling god. Drink my piss instead of cow, it has healing power. Raciest Modi followers...". Mustafa Ali Mirza: "What is the government response on such violance. How could muslims be protected. Cows meet is exported from India to Saudi Arab,UAE,Qatar and in exchange India is enjoying hundreds of billions of dollars of investment from the muslim gulf kingdoms.". Setu Sharma: "This is a sad sad ducking situation. When mob justice starts happening on streets. This is not anger/hate over just cow protection/killing - this is anger/hatred of 100s of years built up in the lower middle class of India which the elite class failed to realize (sort of like the French Revolution) - that is why it is so important to not play politics with religion or hurting the majority sentiments. They are at the breaking point and it won't be pretty if law is not laid out!". Vaibhav Srivastava: "Just few days back a Christian family was burnt alive coz of alleged blasphemy of Koran by a 5 year old girl child. More than 20% Hindus in Pakistan before 1947 are not even 1% of total population. May I know where did the non Muslim population go? Yes cow is sacred for us. If a pork is not allowed in Arab countries , how can beef be allowed in India.". Saqib Khan: "All of these terrorism against Christain and Muslims in India Prime Minister of India Modi directly involved because he spread hate and encourage Hindu People to kill minorities and whole of the world thinking India is a democratic country there is no right for minorities, world should rethink boycott of India not only condemned is the solution.....". Arturo Tangco: "Religion is one divisive issue that separate people from one another. It does not relieve us from earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, AIDS, pneumonia, and all natural calamities and sicknesses that beset mankind. All governments should ban Religion, but politicians will not do that, knowing Religion makes people easier to manage.". Naveed Ali: "2 Nation Theory is hence proved not by Muslim but by Hindus. I think their is bit of hypocrisy in this cow saga. If India worship Cow how could they are the biggest exporters of Beef in the world.". Hamd Hamdan: "A 4-legged cow can walk free in India. If ur a woman ur bound to get rape walking freely in India and no one gives a damn fuk, not even if the victim is ur moder. Thats India.". Muhammad Salman Khalid: "The Hindutva ideology based on extremism, terrorism and hatred for non-Hindus, especially Muslims, is doing no good to India. It's confounding that for Hindutva terrorists, a cow's life is worth more than a human's.". Vivek Aras: "I guess u need to mind your business .... Els allow dog meet to be distributed in your nation first ... Then you can lecture us .... This is the country. That treats cows equally as humans ... And punishment is the same for both cow murder and human murder ... So RT don't show your western media skills and deframe us...". Harsh Hirani: "All these Pakistanis taking a jibe at Hindus. While I and most members in my community (Hindu) will denounce all such acts in full. I would sincerely urge to my other brothers, what there religion people are doing in Syria, Africa, France, UK, US, Russia (The recent one). Love.". Jawad Saleem: "That 200 million Muslims of India who are being marginalised since 1947... And being brutally murdered for their religion and faith... Just wait for the day When they all stand up with arms.... When they all decide.... If we have to die Lets kill two or three of Hindu extremist first..... Wait till sheep becomes the loin Shameful picture of india nowdays being ruled by Hindu Extremist". Satyaban M Mulchand: "These are cattle smugglers which got caught and getting a dose of their own sharia style. This is what Hindus are getting in #Pakistan and #Banglalesh for the last 70 and 46 years without even eating beef.". Muhammad Salman: "Majority of Humans are very polite and loving in normal life. their real face emerge when they get chance to dominate someone weak and poor. Then we know who is real human and who is a beast. Majority of Hindus are either silent or they have sympathy for the killers. Hypocrites". Tanvir Khan: "India is hell for Muslim in era of Butcher of Gujrat (Modi)... MODI BJP involoved in genocide of Muslims in Gujrat, Kashmir and now UP... Hindu terrorist kill hundred of muslims daily basis just because they are Muslims. Terrorist India... Terrorist Hindus".
08-12-2015 16:17 In the NOW posts a video. BIBLE TO QURAN SWITCH PRANK. 25 people like this: Fernanda Ribeiro, Marouane Rifi, Aieda Rashid, Habiba Kush, Amir Garcia, Lara Peraic, Vjeko Lukacevic, Okolo Chijioke Emmanuel, Hasan Abdulhadi New, Ali Alameri, Noor Choudhry, Ahmed Ashfaque, Faz Man, Babatunde Oyebola, Shaun Puzio, Abdul M Chowdhury, Noman Aman Khan, Julian Bruno Bruhn, Sára Tot Hanáková, Mariam Raja, Gilles Daigle, George Rousos, Neyaz Ahamed Taj, Suppawit Homhuan, Amr Alkhairy. 25 people commented on this. Hamoon Jamshidi Meydandar: "exactly! both of them are equally stupid.". Abdul Aziz Hanan: "Jesper Olesen". Jesper Olesen: "Hej makker tak for det". Mustapha Farha: "Mike Josefi". Ben Moore: "Islam is a political thing first it's laws and who to worship all in one or 3 different books.... No place in America for these books...". Dean Ramić: "conclusion: religion sucks big time". Mohammad Jasim: "When a terrorist attack occurs the first question comes to our minds is Who did it? then we check out the news and we see some pictures of terrorists with long beards and an Islamic flag with them. Then you would say look Islam is a religion of blood and killings and all the terrorists are Muslims! I assure you that they’re NOT Muslims. They’re just brain-washed people with a false religion concept in their mind and they’re paid to do some terrorist attacks in the name of Islam to paint a false picture of Islam in the world. But when you read the Quran you’ll realize that Islam forbids the killing of innocent people. If they’re real Muslims why would they blow up themselves in the Muslim countries and they kill many innocent Muslims too! Put a black point in a white paper, what do you see? A black point? Terrorism here is the black point in the paper of the religion of peace and mercy.". Mike Rimmington: "I've never read the Quaran so I can't dismiss anything in it. However, quoting the Christian Old Testament theology without the end of the story in the New Testament is misleading. It's out of context. I do believe that ultimately, love wins, love is the answer and hate will only divide us.". Denise Nicolau: "Most don't even know the Bible". Marko Teodosijević: "Alexander Spoor volgens mij had je deze nog niet. Of kun je ze allemaal niet meer bijhouden?". Martino Lovrekovic: "enough with this semitic death cult bullshit already! europe must let go of middle eastern judeo/christian/islamic idiotic lies! it is 2016 almost ffs!". Martino Lovrekovic: "count the dead from any of these three bloody ideologies!". Krystian Karolak Domrachev: "Piotr Karolak". MinisterCynthia Louise: "the real problem is the fight between the modern values of Christianity and the prehistoric practices of Islam. They are not democratic.". Erwan Dériot: "You could not trick a catholic though, their only book is the Gospels and none of those monstruosities occurs in it....". Viko Gárate: "To be fair though. Christians will have a new covenant in Jesus Christ so some of those rules are not so applicable etc.". Vlad Darb: "In the NOW so you want me to high light the savage verses of Qur'an for you?? would you turn it into one of your cute video clips and post it? I dare you ;)) if you do then it will just prove my point that atheism is the only way to go :)". Christophe InChrist: "So to prove that Islam is peaceful you start attacking the Bible ?". Rabih Saliba: "do i have to know,,??? all the religions are in some way a tools to controle a society and be ready to do what ever we wont in it ,,a tools to keep people blind ,,and brain washed ,,a tools to kill ,,a tools to find an excuse to find you guilty in some how a tools to be with one side against an other and start racist war ,,,,i have to ask you a question ,,do i have to have an intermediat between me and my god?? and why ?? lets people believe as they want and don't bother people in what you believe in ,,the life is short and the religions make it shorter ,,,,". Patryk Siemaszko: "Ehe, so where are all those radical christians implementing bible verses in life ?? - chopping hands off etc. No, there's no such a dim idiots in all christian world... #reality". Eduardo Gonzalez: "TOLD YA!". Vlad Darb: "One more thing! If i do the same thing and this time with actual Qur'an I : 1- will be called: bigot, racist ( funny since Islam is not a race) and islamophobe 2- cause unrest in Muslim countries and probably Saudi's will demand my, my government and Swedish king ( I am not from Sweden but it seems to me that Swedish king just like to apologize to Saudi's) apologies. 3- will end up being killed 4- lefties and pc sheeple will justify me being killed the same way they did with charlie hebdu 5- Al jazeera will start calling for more protection for Muslims in west 6- Obama will say that the whole thing doesn't have anything to do with Islam -------------- so what did we learn from all this?? the west is ignorant if it comes to the "holy books" but at least they are not violent and they don't start killing and at the same time play victims and beg for more attention , protection and money from their government whenever somebody steps on their (very loooooooooooooooooong if I may add) toes.". Jonas Danielsson: "I want to know if I can read a verse from the Koran to my carpet in my room and fly to Dubai". Vikas Mishra: "It proves one thing ...RELIGION IS OUTDAED in 23rd century and we must live according to modern world society by discussions and debating about morals and norms , not according to book written 2000 years back !!!". Jason Ginnelly: "Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim!!".